So, you’re still feeling something for your ex and you’re wondering if they might be thinking about you too, just as much as you are thinking about them. That’s natural when two people end a relationship. Entertaining the idea that you both want to get back together is interesting but it may be difficult to find out if your ex feels the same way as you do without putting your own feelings out there on the line. It’s a sensitive subject and you could be reluctant to approach your ex and possibly risk humiliation and rejection yet again. A good way to discover if your ex might be thinking about you is to look for clues that he or she might be putting out there for you to see. The following are some common signs to look for.
Unexpected Calls
Your ex calling ‘out of the blue’ is a good indication that they still think about you. Just remember friendly and romantic calls are two different things. You can always determine what the call means by thinking about the origins of the call. Was it from a late night party or some event your ex was attending? That’s probably a good indication that they continue to feel something for you. If they called mid afternoon to say hello, don’t get your hopes up. In any event, it’s usually a positive sign that your ex at least made an effort to contact you.
Dropping in unannounced
Your ex may be making surprise visits to your workplace, at school or various social events. That could mean there is still an interest there. Even if they try to maintain they “just happened to be in the neighborhood” you will see this for the excuse it is when the visits happen repeatedly. Unexpected visits can be a sign of buried jealous feelings. Your ex probably feels more comfortable when they know what’s happening with you. Test this idea by rearranging your schedule and see what your ex does. If they want to know why you weren’t at work you can take that as an indication that there is still a spark.
Snooping Friends
You may be aware that friends of your ex are asking questions about your, after work, and weekend hours. This usually means that others are gathering information, about you, for your ex at his request. When they go to the trouble of arranging people to check up on you it’s obvious they still care. Listen and learn. When the friends of your ex are extraordinarily interested in your social life it’s probably so your ex can keep track of you.
These are all examples that your ex could still be thinking of you. Use this information to your advantage, particularly if you feel the same way. If this is true, then cut out the games and initiate a conversation about reuniting. You never know what might happen if someone doesn’t step up and make a move.