Executive Branch and Oversight: What Is It?

It is pretty obvious that the United States government is one of the most confusing governments in the world. There are so many things to take into consideration and definitely a lot of things that simply do not make sense. For example, the executive branch and oversight, what is that exactly?

You might be surprised at the number of people that simply have no idea. If you are one of the many people that simply have no idea how out government works and what the executive branch and oversight really is, do not fret. In this article we will explore the executive branch and oversight in complete detail so you can understand it better!

First, in order to understand the executive branch and oversight, you need to understand exactly what the executive branch does and who is in it. Well, the President, Vice President and all of the cabinet members are the people that make up the executive branch. The executive branch is the part of our government that defends, protects and preserves any of the laws that are put out by legislation.

Another responsibility of the executive branch is going to be to carry out any directions that are given by parliament and congress. The executive branch is an extremely powerful branch of our government and the more that you know about it; the better you will understand the inner workings of our government!

The executive branch is one of the most important branches in the United States government and certainly one that should be known about. It is surprising how many simply have no idea how the executive branch works and just how this branch can affect everyday people’s lives on a day to day basis.

Now, moving onto the executive branch and oversight; what specifically is oversight? Not a lot of people know. Oversight is basically an approach that has been adopted mainly by congress to influence the executive branch. Congressional oversight is something that not only prevents a lot of fraud and waste, but it will also protect some civil liberties and individual rights. This will of course ensure that the executive branch is compliant with the law.

There are many different forms of congressional oversight that the congress uses to influence the executive branch, for example, formal consultations and reports from the President, committee inquiries and hearings, Congressional membership on governmental commissions and House impeachment proceedings.

Honestly, when you are educating yourself on the executive branch and oversight, you just need to remember that congress uses oversight in order to influence the executive branch to get laws passed. One of the biggest powers that the executive branch has over a lot of the other branches in our government is the fact that they can pass laws and are the stepping stone of putting the law into practice.

So as you can see, the executive branch and oversight are very important parts of our government and are definitely not things that should be taken lightly. Everyone in the world should be educated on these two things.